
ERA Technical Committee recommendations for OEMs on trainings


Rental company members of ERA require training materials that are adapted to their needs. OEMs already make training materials available, but these materials very often do not meet the needs of the rental companies.

These training materials should be provided by the OEMs and concern levels 1 and 2 out of the 4 levels of training defined by the rental companies (including examples of a check-in process for levels 1 and 2): https://erarental.org/publications/education-and-technical-training-for-rental-companies/.

On the basis of these materials, as well as examples of videos produced by rental companies (available upon request), rental companies request that the OEMs produce training videos (other formats are possible) that accord to their training needs.

The rental companies will ask about the progress during the face-to-face meetings that will take place during bauma and are considering using the implementation of this recommendation for the Technical Committee Award at the 2023 European Rental Awards.

For any question related to this document or to the ERA Technical Committee, please contact the ERA team at era@erarental.org.

Door Belinda Smart - 10 mei







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Verhurend Nederland - Blog: ERA Technical Committee recommendations for OEMs on trainings
ERA Technical Committee recommendations for OEMs on trainings
Verhurend Nederland - Blog
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