
ERA releases guide to Building Information Modelling (BIM)

bron: European Rental Association

The European Rental Association (ERA) is today publishing ‘A beginner’s guide to Building Information Modelling (BIM)’, providing an introduction to BIM and explaining the benefits of the technology for rental companies of all sizes.

BIM is changing the way the construction sector works, giving construction contractors much greater control over a project and enabling them to identify and solve problems in the design phase, rather than on site. It, therefore, allows rental companies to become involved in the design stage of a project for the first time, strengthening the relationship between a rental company and its client.

By offering BIM, rental companies can also help improve the productivity of a site, make a site more equipment friendly, provide the optimum product for each stage of the construction process and more efficiently maintain the equipment.

Michel Petitjean, Secretary General of ERA, said:
“BIM is a transformative technology that represents a huge opportunity for the rental industry. It enables rental companies to partner with their clients at an earlier stage by offering an expanded range of services, which means that they can deliver greater value for money.

“This guide aims to make BIM more accessible to rental companies of all sizes and we hope that it helps the industry to embrace the technology and take advantage of the benefits that BIM has to offer for their businesses.”

In addition to an introduction to BIM and an explanation of the benefits for rental companies and their customers, the ERA BIM guide also provides case studies from leading rental companies that demonstrate some of the different use cases for the technology.

‘A beginner’s guide to Building Information Modelling (BIM)’ is available for download here.
For more information, please email the ERA team at era@erarental.org.







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Verhurend Nederland - Blog: ERA releases guide to Building Information Modelling (BIM)
ERA releases guide to Building Information Modelling (BIM)
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